Data violations have become a major problem for many companies in recent years. Data theft and piracy are causing major damage to the finances and reputation of various companies across the world.

How can you improve the the security of your printing pool: CK Secure
We know that data protection is vital for any company, which is why our printing systems already have a certain level of security as standard. With CK Secure, we can offer an additional level of security to ensure that your activities are not affected in the event of an attack.

« With the development of digitalisation and the fact that your printer is connected to your corporate network, your printing pool is the equivalent of a set of computers without keyboards...»
Fredéric Graas, Technical Support Engineer
Our services : Silver, Gold, Platinium ou sur-mesure

CK Secure Silver
Change the administrator's password
HDD Encryption
Create a secure alphanumeric password to lock the HDD
Eliminate all traces of data, even after deletions,
with temporary data overwriting.
Program the multifunctional device to automatically delete any material located in electronic folders
Notify KM

CK Secure Gold
CK Secure Silver
Disable unsecured and unwanted services, protocols and ports
Enable SSL (self-signed certificate)
Enable network user authentication and automatic logout of user/administrator account
Enable audit logs

CK Secure Platinium
CK Secure Gold
Enable real-time scanning
Set up periodic scanning periods
Bit Defender Anti-Virus (LK-116)
Hardware reset
Provision of erasure certificates
Annual verification of security settings
Technology watch (report, white paper, certification, ...)
For more information, contact an expert