How does your company maintain good relations with its clients?
For more than 75 years, our company has been committed to providing our clients with the best possible service, continually listening to and meeting their needs. Our mission is to advise them on all aspects of their office environment by offering a wide range of products and services, going beyond just printing itself. These are not limited to printing, as we also offer audiovisual services, IT solutions, mail stuffing management, document digitisation and much more.
The idea is to serve as our clients’ sole partner and meet all of their company’s office needs so that they can focus on their core business. One of our strengths is the fact that we know the Luxembourg market extremely well.

How do you measure satisfaction levels?
We have a dedicated person conducting investigations on the ground, performed during client visits or by telephone.
Our CRM system helps us efficiently monitor our commercial activities, whilst monitoring provides us with the key performance indicators (KPIs) we need to evaluate the effectiveness of our technical teams and respect for our commitment to our clients. These KPIs include the average response time for our interventions and our first-visit closing rate, which is currently 86%, exceeding our goal of 85%.
Do you use client feedback to continually improve your products and services?
The Luxembourg market is very specific, and we set great store by all the information we receive from our clients.
We process it and use it to offer a range of services that meet current and future demands as optimally as possible. We process this information to enable us to offer services that meet current and future demands more effectively. In addition, we organise various activities and communication measures to keep our clients updated about the latest technologies, and enjoy welcoming them to our showroom where they can explore the latest innovations from our sector
Do you have an anecdote you could share about an issue you experienced with a client, and how it was successfully resolved?
One day, I received a telephone call from the head of a Luxembourg secondary school who told me that he was not happy with his production machines and wanted nothing further to do with the CK Group... A quarter of an hour later, I was onsite with our sales manager. The astonished client welcomed us and we talked for more than an hour. We did everything we could to resolve the problems that the client was experiencing. Given our responsiveness and efficiency, the client ultimately ordered audiovisual equipment for all the classrooms in his school. Our collaboration remains extremely active to this day. Often, demonstrating professionalism and offering efficient solutions is what keeps clients loyal.