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L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 1

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L-3372 Leudelange

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L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 500

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2,rue Léon Laval
L-3372 Leudelange

+352 26 380 1

+352 26 380 380



  • Content made by teachers for teachers
  • Standards-aligned lessons to match your curriculum, created by active teachers that are brief, fun to watch, and engaging for the whole class
  • Customize lessons right from the browser on any device, anywhere, and anytime
  • Browse by standard, language, popularity, and find regional events
  • Links to the best educational resources available on the Internet


Activate your students for greater engagement with NUITEQ Snowflake.

Ideal for distance learning or for your classroom, Snowflake gives you access to teacher-made standard-aligned lessons accessible anytime, anywhere. It provides a safe environment for online collaboration and allows simultaneous personalized instruction, making curriculum relevant to students’ lives.

Bring the lessons to life

Educational desktop and online software that brings interactivity to your school and stimulates class engagement using smarter human interaction.

Snowflake allows teachers and students to tell interesting and interactive stories that closely match the curriculum, provides a safe community for online and small group collaboration, and allows for simultaneous personalized teaching making the program relevant to the lives of the students. For teachers, Snowflake also means spending less time preparing and more time working with students.



Snowflake is the only pedagogical technology software that allows you to divide your touch screen into independent and personalized zones. Snowflake transforms the classroom into a fun, motivating and engaging active learning environment.


Personalized learning

With its online version, Snowflake creates an active learning system well suited for personalized learning. It allows teachers to choose the teaching resources that best suit their students and to display different content and activities in a different area.


Providing the right foundation

Each age and subject has different needs; Snowflake offers a unique configurator that allows school IT administrators to select the appropriate settings for the tools and content their teachers need.



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